Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Watercolor Techniques: Floral fun Day 2



If you can get this technique right, you can created lovely organic edges to things. But more than likely, mastery of the technique will elude you and you will do what I did and just scribble in the mess with your brush.

I did manage some success on my second attempt and created quite a passable Narcissus flower. (The blooming effect was used to create the 'ruffled' edge of the flowers center)

Other than blooming, the other technique that we learned here was blending using wet-on-wet brushwork and also developing an eye for color. For all intents and purposed, narcissus flowers have quite petals, but if I just left the petals white, the painting would have looked more incomplete (i'm still not done with it lol). What I really got help with was developing a sense of value and shading. In the photo I was working from, there were hints of pink through the petals, violet in their shadows and yellow closer to the center.

Of course I took to long and ended up rushing at the end. The background was done with mostly pyrelen green and a veridian i mixed up in class.

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